Sunday, July 15, 2012

Catching the Sun

Finally!!!! Sunshine :-)
Took the chance and made some snapshots wearing my absolute favorite Jeansshorts (I think everyone should own a pair) and some shoes that I found deep in the back of my closet with no memory of why I hid them back there as they're actually quite comfy and supercute!
Anyways, I miss Vienna, there's not much one can do here in the midst of practically nowhere and since there isnt even a trainstation where my Mum lives I can't even go and spontaneously check out Hanover City...jeez I'm a city gal, from head to toe. Sometimes I almost feel like the fresh air from the countryside drives me nuts haha Nina knows what Im talking bout LOLz
Guess I just have to cherish doing absolutely NOTHING :-)
Wish you all a nice sunday evening and a great week. Fingers crossed the sun stays!
I'm thinking of doing a few reviews of some new beauty products this week. Keep updated.

xx, V.


  1. Wie kann man nur so tolle Beine haben!!! :D

    1. Dabei sind es gerade meine Beine mit denen ich wohl am unzufriedensten bin -.- Die sehen auf dem Foto viel länger aus als sie in natura sind. Bin ja mit meinen 1,60m ein Zwerg :-D
